Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Mapping Skills

Through inquiry students are analysing information on maps in order to create their own!

Here is the information we found to be on the maps we were observing.

Curriculum Objectives
Maps* and Globes 
Analysing and constructing thematic maps (e.g., maps using shading or symbols to represent regions or land use) for specific purposes 

New! Digital Citizenship Song and Video | Common Sense Media

In Grade 4, we are starting a unit on Digital Citizenship! It is very important to be a responsible student/person on land as well as online!

  New! Digital Citizenship Song and Video | Common Sense Media

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Thank-you to all the parents who visited us on Curriculum Night it was great to meet each and everyone of you!

Below is our presentation which includes information about the grade 4, 5, 6 Curriculum as well as Homework , Digital Citizenship, Learning through Inquiry and The Common European Framework. 

Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night is Wednesday September 18th at 6:30pm. Come and visit the French Immersion teachers (grades 4, 5, 6) in room 157.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Learning Class Discussions Strategies

In grade 4 we are working on establishing class procedures and strategies to ensure success!
We first reviewed descriptors of the learning skills we are focusing on for this term - Organization and Responsibility. On their own the students chose two descriptors they thought were the most important then in small groups the students had to only pick one descriptor they thought was most important!
The students reported their findings and reasoning then as a class we reflected on the group discussion process. 
For group discussions here are some strategies we came up with: