Sunday, 10 November 2013

November 11th 2013 - Remembrance Day

Lest We Forget
Assembly at St. Emily Catholic School - 10:45

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Thursday November 7th 
Hat Day for United Way!
Bring in $2.00

Wear your favorite hat to School!

   Watching Polar Bears Migrating in grade 4     streaming live from the arctic tundra!/live-cams/player/polar-bear-tundra-buggy-cam

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Sporks on sale for $3.00 each. 

Please bring correct change and no cheques. 
Please label your spork when you get it!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

                     Inquiry on music

In grade 5 we looked at the "Autumn" concerto music sheets from Vivaldi's Four Seasons concertos.

The student first wrote their observations, then shared them with their team mates to come up with a combined list in French.

We are learning from each other through discussion!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

In grade 4 we are using line and colour to show movement in our Art work!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Mapping Skills

Through inquiry students are analysing information on maps in order to create their own!

Here is the information we found to be on the maps we were observing.

Curriculum Objectives
Maps* and Globes 
Analysing and constructing thematic maps (e.g., maps using shading or symbols to represent regions or land use) for specific purposes 

New! Digital Citizenship Song and Video | Common Sense Media

In Grade 4, we are starting a unit on Digital Citizenship! It is very important to be a responsible student/person on land as well as online!

  New! Digital Citizenship Song and Video | Common Sense Media

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Thank-you to all the parents who visited us on Curriculum Night it was great to meet each and everyone of you!

Below is our presentation which includes information about the grade 4, 5, 6 Curriculum as well as Homework , Digital Citizenship, Learning through Inquiry and The Common European Framework. 

Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night is Wednesday September 18th at 6:30pm. Come and visit the French Immersion teachers (grades 4, 5, 6) in room 157.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Learning Class Discussions Strategies

In grade 4 we are working on establishing class procedures and strategies to ensure success!
We first reviewed descriptors of the learning skills we are focusing on for this term - Organization and Responsibility. On their own the students chose two descriptors they thought were the most important then in small groups the students had to only pick one descriptor they thought was most important!
The students reported their findings and reasoning then as a class we reflected on the group discussion process. 
For group discussions here are some strategies we came up with:

Saturday, 31 August 2013


C'est le retour à l'école.

Thank-you for visiting our Grade 4 and Grade 5 Immersion classes website. Here I will be posting assignments and homework we are currently working on. Important notes and links to homework and study help will also be available.

Welcome Back to all!!

Monday, 8 July 2013


 Bon été à tous!

It has been an honour to teach and learn from each and everyone of my students this year!  Best wishes to the students moving on to St. Cecilia, I will miss you!  We will keep in touch with Google hangout.  To you and yours "Enjoy your summer, stay safe and see you in September!" Mme Kohut 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Today we learned Footy techniques with an Aussie X instructor!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

 Our field trip to Carleton University was great fun for everyone from the food to the many activities we give it 

Thank-you Mrs. Eady for organizing it!!!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

St. Emily School
Catholic Education Week Schedule of events!!
May 6-10

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Commander Hadfield watched from space a video made with students across Canada and his influence is being felt by an entire generation! Good news students from Grade 6 at St.Gabriel Catholic School in Kanata are in it! 


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

April is Poetry Month!

Using the Showme App. in grade 5 we read our Diamante poems and showed evidence that we followed the poem's pattern.

adjectif, adjectif
verbe, verbe, verbe
nom, nom, nom, nom
verbe, verbe, verbe
adjectif, adjectif
La terre

April is Poetry Month!

Using the Showme App. in grade 4 we read our Cinquain poems and showed evidence that we followed the poem's pattern.

Un cinquain:
Un poème qui contient cinq lignes dans
une forme spécifique.

ligne 1: un mot pour indiquer le sujet
ligne 2: deux mots qui décrivent le sujet
ligne 3: trois mots d’action à propos du sujet
ligne 4: une phrase avec quatre ou cinq mots qui décrivent le sujet
ligne 5: un mot qui signifie la même chose que le premier mot, ou un mot qui représente tout le poème 

Monday, 22 April 2013

Aujourd'hui c'est le jour de la Terre!!

Check out the Google Doodle for a full rotation of the Earth (it's animated when you click the sun):

Monday, 15 April 2013


The spork
As mentioned in the last Newsletter, the Green Club will be selling sporks (which is a 3 in 1 utensil made of durable plastic). The cost is $3. The purpose of the spork is to reduce the amount of regular plastic utensils that are being used and that often end up in the garbage. Should you want to purchase one or more, please fill out the form that was sent home yesterday and send it in with your child along with $3.

Thank you for helping St Emily be GREEN!

Children of the Earth

Jean-François Nicolaï et Jean-Philippe Prévitéra

In preparation for Earth Day we are singing this song for our prayer and practicing it for Karaoke!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Earth Hour

We participated in our own Earth Hour Friday during the 4th block. Students from our grade 4 classes in the Green Club went around the classes to make sure everyone was on board! Good work Green Club!
Earth Hour will be taking place today Saturday March 23rd at 8:30pm. 
How will you be spending your Earth hour?

Monday, 18 March 2013

Music Monday

Monday, May 6 is Music Monday!  It is a time when all Canadian schools stop and sing!  1pm is when our time zone is scheduled for.  We will know closer to that day when and how St Emily will be participating.
The theme for 2013 is "Filling the Skies with Music."  This year's song is a collaboration between BareNaked Ladie's Ed Robertson and astronaut Chris Hadfield. The song is called I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing).
In preparation for that day, we will be practicing the French version of the song in class until we know the lyrics very well. I have placed the video on my youtube channel if you wish to practice at home :)

More info about the song here:

Lenten Project

From March 18-22

For The Shepherds of Good Hope

Please bring in body wash, toothpaste, socks, shampoo, conditioner, soap

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Hanging out on Google!!

Mme Krawiecki and Mme Kohut's Grade4 classes had a chance to hang out with Mme Tibshirani's Grade 4 class from St Gabriel Catholic School in Kanata. Our students shared their findings on sound with the Grade 4 class from St Gabriel. All students enjoyed sharing knowledge.  

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Learning Goal

Use technological problem-solving skills to inquire, design, build, and test a device that transforms one form of energy into another (e.g., create a child’s toy that uses a form of energy such as electrical energy from a battery or solar cell to move across the floor [kinetic energy] and make a noise [sound energy]), and examine ways in which energy is being “lost” in the device.

The toy is to be built mainly with recycled materials.

Resources:  Toy making

Students follow the Scientific Method to organize their thoughts and procedures

 Google Form:

We inquire, design, build, and test